Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who dies...?

Hello fellow readers of Skulduggery Pleasant. Today I have three very juicy rumors about Mortal Coil, one of them some people might not what to hear.

Ok, here we go. In about ten different comments I've seen on three different websites, there is one thing that has stuck with the readers throughout the book. The is a conversation between Valkyrie and Caelan in the book that is supposed to be very Twilight. Ya, I know what your thinking, 'Oh no, Skulduggery is turning into Twilight!' No it's not. I'd say people are just over reacting. The people that say that, are probably Twilight fans, and I'm not saying Twilight is bad, I'm just saying tell it as it is.

Second one is that Australia gets a mention in the book too. I'm not that surprised really. Derek went to Australia on a blog tour, so it's quite possible that he would put it in the book.

Last but not least, a main character dies in the book. Now a few posts back, I said that there was a rumor that China dies in this book, so.... could she? Maybe? I don't know yet we have to wait and see.....

Well, that's all the news about Mortal Coil from me, lucky Aussies....

Slan Waymer            

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Longest S.P. book to date

Dia Duit, Waymer here, as you know already. Now just to be clear with everyone, I am not, I repeat, am not reading any spoilers for Mortal Coil until I have finished the book itself. But, I will be telling you things that are hinted around and about the comments.

Now for the big news. Mortal Coil is said to be the biggest Skulduggery Pleasant book to date. People say, that have the book, that it is about 572 pages long. That's well over 100 pages more than precious books in the series. More Skulduggery yay!

Second is that, there's is supposed to be a big fight between Caelan and Fletcher in the book too, but really I can not see that happening. It has been hinted a lot of times in comments I've seen, but I can not confirm or define this. But I really hope to God it does. It would be hilarious! Picture it Vampire vs Teleporter. But if it is done I want it to be in the Midnight Hotel or when Valkyrie's not with them, but she's listening.

That's all the news for today. Oh, any Aussies out there, your the ones that are posting the spoilers.

Waymer out.           

Friday, August 27, 2010

I hate it when people lie...

Hi, again. Waymer here. The last post I posted up said I was going to be getting Mortal Coil today but... one day people say things and the other day they something else. The people in the book shop I go to said they would have Mortal Coil in today but today they say it's not even in Dublin. Damn them! 

Sigh.... any of ways, I've finished Mockingjay yesterday and ... it wasn't that great. I mean it's still a good book, but, it wasn't the best in the trilogy. I think my favorite one was the first one, The Hunger Games. But still read them, it's a good series.

One thing I found out, while I was surfing the web, about Mortal Coil is, that it is thought to be a very sad book. Wonder what that means?

Thanks all for today, slan Waymer.       

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mortal Coil and MockingJay!

Hi, I'm back. News just in, Mortal Coil is out in Australia... Not in Ireland yet, until tomorrow! God, I CAN NOT WAIT! Some Australians posted some spoilers up of Mortal Coil, so... here is the link I have not read the spoiler myself, but, it is said to be the best yet and some Fletcher vs Caelan too. But I won't know until tomorrow if this is true or not. There is also a rumor floating around, that China dies in this book, but, again, I can not conform this as well. That is all the S.P. news for today, until tomorrow...

On the plus side, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins released in Ireland yesterday and I'm half way threw. It is Brilliant! If you like Skulduggery, you'll like this. 

That's all for today. Need to finish Mockingjay today, but if I don't... well.... move over for Mortal Coil! 

Slan! Waymer.     

Sunday, August 15, 2010

To Kerry, and Beyond!

Sorry readers, but I won't be posting for a while, because I'm going on holidays to Kerry at two o' clock today. But since I'm in Ireland we get the Skulduggery book about two weeks before the release date. I'll probable get it on holidays, sooo... there. That it really, slan! See you in a week.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Aleks Video

Short Post: Just to say, I already saw the video before you showed it to me. It's one of the best out there. I saw some other reviews on it, and other people thought so too. Just to say, well done to your friend. Slan!  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Five Ideas

Dia Duit Waymer here. OK, basically, this post is going to be all about what I think is going to happen in Mortal Coil. Really this just going to be rambles of the book.

To start, first to start, it's going to be a Christmas one so, there's I think going to be a lot of very bad Christmas jokes. That was just to brake the ice. Second I think Valkyrie might or might not share this Christmas with her family. Because if she does something bad might happen and if she doesn't well, she's going to feel a bit lonely. 

But, what about the other characters huh? How do they spend their holidays? For some reason, I think that we're going to be learning more about Tanith's and Fletcher's past in this book, because I can see Tanith telling Valkyrie how she'd spend her Christmas with her family and saying that Valkyrie should spend the holidays with her's. And for Fletcher, well. Now this is just what I think: I think it's going to be something dramatic. He ran away from home, his mother is dead, he lives by him self now in a apartment building with other kids that study magic... oh wait, forgot to tell you that. Oh well, but the last bit is true. Derek told us in an interview. Any of ways, can't wait if it is reveled. 

Oh, and another thing. Who thinks the Remnants are going to be released on a Christmas party? Wow, that was random. 

But any of ways, hoped you liked my ramblings . Peace Out, Skullheads! 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chapter 1 and 2: What I think.

Ok, hello, people who own computers, it is I, Waymer with Skulduggery Info. Yaaay! OK, again, so the first two chapters of Mortal Coil were reveled yesterday, and guess what! It's going to be a Christmas one! Yaaay! Oh, for the people who haven't read it yet, I've just ruined it for you. Well, poor you. Suck it up, I'm going to be doing this alot.   

So, a Christmas one, what could go wrong? Evil Remnants escaping, a Russian hitman, Darquesse, Tanith being tortured, Skulduggery's new face, Fletcher spiking the eggnog... you see we've got a list, but I  don't think the last one's really important. Any of ways, Derek Landy has always said that each of his books had a theme. The first one was an adventure story, the second one, a monster movie, the third, a mystery story, and the fourth a revenge one. Now in an interview, he has said that Mortal Coil is going to be a 'Revenge of the Body Snatchers' or 'The Thing' 

So that's all the things that I'm going to be telling you now so Slan Abhaile.           

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

New On The Block

Dia Duit ie. Hello to you fellow readers and fans of  the Skulduggery Pleasant book series. My name's Waymer Bailslisk (OK, it's not, but you know what I mean), and I've started this blog because... well, I don't really have many people to talk about Skulduggery with, so I talking with the internet, (God, this is low even for me). Any of ways, I will be talking mostly about Skulduggery, theories about the books, characters, good guys, bad guys, new books, all that jazz. 

Ok for a start I want to know if anyone what's to know about the new Skulduggery book! It's name is Mortal Coil, but I guess you already knew that. Any of ways, here's the description of  Mortal Coil:(By the way, this is the newest one, not the old one)

 Following the shocking revelations of DARK DAYS, get ready for the fifth instalment of the bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series – guaranteed to contain at least 40% humour, 50% action, and 100% thrills…

"The blonde girl with the black lips turned to Valkyrie. 'We know,' she said. 'We've seen the future. We know you're going to kill the world…'" Skulduggery Pleasant is back, and reunited with his original head. But all is not well in the magical world. For one thing, there's an unstoppable assassin with a face-mask on the loose… and for another thing, Valkyrie has discovered she might be Darquesse, the evil sorceress set to destroy the entire world. The problem is, she doesn't feel she can tell Skulduggery what she's learned, and so she must try to change her terrible destiny alone. But the price of a new fate is high, and if she fails, she'll die alone too. With Valkyrie on her own quest, Skulduggery and the gang are even more vulnerable. Which is a shame, because remember that remnant the Necromancers had? They've still got it – and they're thinking about letting it out…

  Nice, huh? I'll be telling you more about Mortal Coil in the next post, so til' then, a question. What do you think about Mortal Coil, what you think it's going to be about? Comment please.